Monday, January 25, 2016

2.5 The Fundamental Theory of Algebra

In the complex number system, every nth-degree polynomial function has exactly n zeros. This is derived from the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra - If f(x) is a polynomial of degree n, where n > 0, f has at least one zero in the complex number system.

The fundamental theorem of algebra also gives you the linear factorization theorem.

Linear Factorization Theorem - If f(x) is a polynomial of degree n where n > 0, f has precisely n linear factors

Where c1, c2, . . . , cn are complex numbers

Real and Complex Zeros of Polynomial Functions



This polynomial can be factored into:


This shows that the zeros are
(x-2) with a multiplicity of two, (x-2i) and (x+2i)

Notice that (x-2) is listed twice and (x-2i) and (x+2i) are both complex zeros.


***The n zeros of a polynomial function can be real or complex and they may be repeated***
***Imaginary roots always come in conjugate pairs***

Finding the Zeros of a Polynomial Function


The possible rational zeros of this polynomial function are ±1, ±2, ±4, and ±8 
(Find these by taking factors of the constant divided by the factors of the leading coefficient. The leading coefficient is 1 so we only need the factors of the constant)

By graphing this function, you can see that -2 and 1 are both real zeros. 
***Only the real zeros are shown on the graph as x-intercepts***
After finding the real zeros, you can find the imaginary zeros by using synthetic division.
Using -2 and 1 twice you are left with:

To find the zeros we need to factor this

This gives us the remaining non-real zeros. All five zeros of this polynomial are:

1, 1, -2, 2i, and -2i

Conjugate Pairs

In the last example two of the zeros were -2i and 2i. This is because all imaginary roots must come in conjugate pairs, in the form a + bi and a - bi

In a polynomial function with real coefficients if a + bi is a zero of the function and b is not 0 then the conjugate a - bi must also be a zero of the function.

Finding a Polynomial with Given Zeros

Given the degree of a polynomial function with real coefficients and its zeros we can easily determine the polynomial.


A third degree polynomial function with real coefficients has 2 and 4i as zeros.

Given 4i as a zero we know that -4i must also be a zero. Because the polynomial function is a third degree function we now have all the zeros: 2, 4i, and -4i.

We can write these out as:

To get the original polynomial we can multiply these factors.

This results in:

Factoring A Polynomial

Factors of a Polynomial - Every Polynomial of degree n > 0 with real coefficients can be written as the product of linear and quadratic factors with real coefficients, where the quadratic factors have no real zeros.


This can be factored into two quadratic polynomials

This can be further factored to include imaginary numbers

Zeros of a Polynomial Function

Given one complex zero of a polynomial function we can find the remaining zeros.


5i is a zero of   

Because 5i is a complex number, we know that -5i must also be a zero of this polynomial because all complex zeros come in conjugate pairs.

We can multiply these together to get part of the polynomial:

We can now use long division using this to find the remaining zero.


This gives us 

The zeros of this polynomial are:

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